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The European Commission has estimated that about 10% of the EU's pesticide market is comprised of illegal and counterfeit plant protection products, disseminated by organized crime.

In Poland, crops can only be protected with pesticides approved for trading by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development. This rule applies to every EU Member State, and additional bans the use of products purchased in other countries.

Plant protection products may only be purchased at points of sale duly authorized to trade in them and that are overseen by the National Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection. Pesticides should be sold in original sealed packages bearing product labels in the Polish language.


To avoid purchasing counterfeit products, refrain from buying pesticides:

  • at random points of sale or from unknown traders, such as outdoor markets, door-to-door sales people or other illegal sources;
  • for which the seller refuses to issue a proof of purchase (receipt or invoice);
  • with labels in a language other than Polish, not securely attached to the packaging, with language errors, glued-on slips containing translated text, or poor quality print;
  • offered in packages with an illegible or missing date of manufacture or lot number;
  • in poor quality, leaky, damaged or non-original packages;
  • online, if the seller fails to provide full details of their operation, i.e. business name, taxpayer identification number (NIP), address/registered office;
  • that are suspiciously low priced.

Such pesticides are very likely to be counterfeit or illegal and, if applied, may well:

  • cause harm to human and/or animal life and the environment;
  • destroy crops;
  • expose the farmer to criminal prosecution.

Report any concerns or cases of unauthorized plant protection products being offered for sale or application to your nearest unit of the National Inspectorate of Plant Health and Seed Inspection, and original product manufacturer.

  • Platforma Sygnalizacji Agrofagów

Project implemented as part of tasks 1.5
Multiannual Program of the IPP-NRI for 2016-2020

Plant Protection Institute – National Research Institute

Ulica: Władysława Węgorka 20
60-318 Poznań

tel. +48 61 864 90 75

fax +48 61 864 91 20


Plant Protection Institute – National Research Institute

Online Pest Warning System

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