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The primary aim of The National Action Plan for Mitigating the Risks Associated with the Use of Plant Protection Products for 2013-2017 is to promote the general principles of integrated pest management and eliminate hazards linked to the use of plant protection products. This aim has been pursued in a number of projects with the active involvement of consultancies, research institutes, public administration bodies, and sectoral organizations.

Essential support in the pursuit of the objectives and measures of the National Action Plan comes, among others, from multiannual programs carried out by research institutes and supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture, which additionally ensure knowledge transfers into practical applications. A key new plant-protection-related task performed in the multiannual programs is to develop and launch an Online Pest Warning System (Platforma Sygnalizacji Agrofagów, www.agrofagi.com.pl) and monitor the agricultural plant pests of economic significance. The system is operated by the Institute of Plant Protection – the NRI in close cooperation with the Institute of Horticulture and the Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation of the NRI. The project is financed by the Multiannual Programs and implemented by:

  • the Institute of Plant Protection – the National Research Institute: Ochrona roślin uprawnych z uwzględnieniem bezpieczeństwa żywności oraz ograniczenia strat w plonach i zagrożeń dla zdrowia ludzi, zwierząt domowych i środowiska / Crop protection: food safety, mitigation of yield damage and hazards to human health, domestic animals and the environment;
  • Institute of Horticulture: Działania na rzecz poprawy konkurencyjności i innowacyjności sektora ogrodniczego z uwzględnieniem jakości i bezpieczeństwa żywności oraz ochrony środowiska naturalnego / Measures to improve the competitiveness and innovativeness of the horticultural sector, while ensuring food quality and safety and protecting the environment;
  • Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – the National Research Institute: Wspieranie działań w zakresie ochrony i racjonalnego wykorzystania rolniczej przestrzeni produkcyjnej w Polsce oraz kształtowania jakości surowców roślinnych na lata 2016-2020 / Support for the protection and rational use of agricultural areas in Poland and for the quality of plant materials for 2016-2020.

This tool enables all stakeholders and organizations to protect plants together by cooperating closely and extensively to provide:

  • pest warning system alerts,
  • information on methods for monitoring and flagging plant pest occurrence,
  • access to decision-making support systems for plant protection,
  • information on integrated protection methods for key agricultural crops, vegetables, as well as orchard and industrial plants,
  • information on integrated plant production methods,
  • access to online plant protection programs and recommendations, including those regarding organic farming,
  • information on options for the combined use of chemicals in agriculture,
  • access to search engines concerned with plant protection products and their labels,
  • information on the technical aspects of plant protection,
  • information on the safe use of plant protection products.

Considering the experience of research institutions, public administration bodies and sectoral organizations, and their prior contributions to promoting and adopting general integrated pest management principles, we encourage the use of the Online Pest Warning System, including past monitoring in crops and observation sharing with farmers.

If you are interested in contributing your own observations from regular, demonstration or experimental farms, you will be provided with access to the application and enabled to publish detailed information. Please refer any submissions or questions to the Institute of Plant Protection – the National Research Institute at tel. +48 61 864 9075 or fax +48 61 864 9120.

  • Platforma Sygnalizacji Agrofagów

Project implemented as part of tasks 1.5
Multiannual Program of the IPP-NRI for 2016-2020

Plant Protection Institute – National Research Institute

Ulica: Władysława Węgorka 20
60-318 Poznań

tel. +48 61 864 90 75

fax +48 61 864 91 20


Plant Protection Institute – National Research Institute

Online Pest Warning System

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