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Safe use of plant protection products

The principles of safe use and storage of plant protection products and of handling their residues are laid down in Polish legislation.

The relevant laws concern:

  • proper storage of plant protection products,
  • proper preparation of plant protection products for application,
  • proper application of plant protection products,
  • proper handling of liquid residues of these products post treatment,
  • proper cleaning of equipment used for the application of plant protection products,
  • proper disposal of plant protection product packaging and waste.

The main reason why it is critical to adhere to the safety rules of applying plant protection products is to protect the user (operator), any third parties who may come into contact with pesticides or find themselves in the area in which they are used, the consumers, as well as the environment (in particular pollinating insects and water bodies).

Listed below are information materials provided to facilitate the practical application of laws and regulations, and specifically the identification and prevention of pesticide-related risks.

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TOPPS-PROWADIS – materiały i narzędzia instruktażowe

W ramach trzyletniego (2011-2014) projektu szkoleniowo-demonstracyjnego TOPPS-PROWADIS, finansowanego przez Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Ochrony Roślin (ECPA) i zrealizowanego przy udziale 14 partnerów z 7 krajów UE, w tym Instytutu Ogrodnictwa oraz Instytutu Ochrony Środowiska, opracowane zostały zamieszczone poniżej materiały i narzędzia instruktażowe koncentrujące się na ochronie wody przed zanieczyszczeniami obszarowymi, wynikającymi ze znoszenia cieczy użytkowej oraz spływu powierzchniowego środków ochrony roślin z pól. Więcej na temat projektu tutaj.

  • Platforma Sygnalizacji Agrofagów

Project implemented as part of tasks 1.5
Multiannual Program of the IPP-NRI for 2016-2020

Plant Protection Institute – National Research Institute

Ulica: Władysława Węgorka 20
60-318 Poznań

tel. +48 61 864 90 75

fax +48 61 864 91 20


Plant Protection Institute – National Research Institute

Online Pest Warning System

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